Demand Google, Facebook & Yelp cut their ties with ALEC!

    Demand Google, Facebook & Yelp cut their ties with ALEC!

    The websites millions of Americans use every day -- Google, Facebook and Yelp -- just teamed up with the anti-Obamacare, right-wing extremist group ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council).

    ALEC -- the same group behind ultra-conservative legislation like the controversial “Stand Your Ground” gun laws and discriminatory Voter I.D. laws -- is attempting to destroy the Affordable Care Act by promoting legislation that would make it illegal for health insurance companies to do business in the new healthcare exchanges -- completely undermining one of the key foundations of the life-saving, landmark law.

    If major corporations like Wal-Mart, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds, and Amazon have had the courage to drop ALEC due to the organization’s ultra-conservative and controversial agenda, why have Google, Facebook and Yelp decided to turn a blind eye?

    SIGN THE PETITION to Google, Facebook and Yelp:

    “I demand that you have the courage to cut your ties with the extremist anti-Obamacare group ALEC immediately! I expect more from global business leaders like you.”

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