Call your Representative NOW: Hands off our health care!

    Call your Representative NOW: Hands off our health care!

    If Trumpcare passes, 24 million people would lose access to affordable health care. Older Americans would pay much more for health insurance -- 5 times as much as younger people -- but get way less help paying for insurance because of a $600 billion tax break for the ultra-rich and a $400 million giveaway to insurance executives. It's completely unacceptable.

    Trumpcare must be stopped! You can use the script below and the number on the right to CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE! It will only take 30 seconds. If your name and your representative's name do not appear, please fill out the form with your contact information and you will be redirected to a page with your representative's phone number and a call script.

    YOU have the power to make a REAL DIFFERENCE. Legislators LISTEN when they receive phone calls from their constituents. Calls let them know REAL people, not special interest lobbyists, really care about the issue. One phone call can mean as much as 10 or even 20 emails! CALL NOW!

    If you do NOT see a phone number and script, enter your information on the right so we can provide it for you.

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